What is the ACL Injury Prevention Program at Biokinetics Rehab?

At Biokinetics Rehab, we have developed an enhanced assessment procedure to identify the risks and areas of concern to identify the risks and areas of concern with confidence as the kinetic chain is captured in all three planes with our biomechanical video analysis system.  We can compare the objective data as is detects asymmetries and gain insight on the compensatory biomechanics on an individual.

The ACL Injury Prevention Program will consist of both Pre- and Post-Program testing in addition to eight 45-minute intensive training sessions.  Following video analysis, musculoskeletal evaluation, and agility assessments, we will initiate a precise training program over a four-week period focused on footwork, lateral movement, strength, stabilization, and plyometric exercises to address potential deficits in the strength and coordination of the stabilizing muscles around the knee joint.

Is there research behind this approach?

The Santa Monica Sports Medicine Research Foundation developed the Prevent Injury and Enhance Protection (PEP) program, with the aim of reducing the number of ACL injuries in female soccer players.  It is now commonly used for ACL injury prevention in different sports, and even for rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction to prevent re-injuries.

A 2018 study1 analyzed the PEP program extensively and measured its effects on not only the reduction of lower limb injuries, but also muscle strength and knee alignment during vertical jumping.  The study found a 20% improvement in jump technique (proper knee alignment), and significant increases in knee muscle strength (of the quadriceps and hamstrings), compared with values prior to commencing the PEP program.  The other important observation noted was that there was a significant decrease in the Quadriceps: Hamstrings ratio of strength. This means that the muscles controlling the knee from the front and the back are a more balanced in strength.


1.      Rodríguez, C., Echegoyen, S., & Aoyama, T. (2018). The effects of “Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance Program” in a female soccer team. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 58(5), 659–663. https://doi.org/10.23736/S0022-4707.17.07024-4


Contact Biokinetics Rehab to begin your ACL Injury Prevention Program now; you can call us to make an appointment right now at (828) 528-1222.  

You will receive personalized therapy from a board-certified Orthopedic Physical Therapist with extensive knowledge and training in strength and conditioning to reduce to risk of ACL injury.  

We will make every attempt to get you seen within 24-48 hours instead of having to wait weeks for an appointment.  We have the ability to spend the time needed to address your concerns and have the knowledge and experience to restore you to your highest level of function.
