Functional Movement Screen - $20 Make An Appointment

Sometimes people are not sure if they have found the right fit when looking for a physical therapist.  People often go to the clinic that was recommended by their physician, or maybe one that a friend or family member went to.  Some may chose a clinic based on their advertisement, or maybe their location.  And while they may have good results in the end, many times people are not sure if they fully attained the maximum level of function or success they desire.

This is why we offer a Functional Movement Screen, so you can get a clear understanding of what's going on and how long it may take to resolve before you commit to becoming our patient.

We will complete a functional movement screen that maps movement dysfunction in the body. Functional planar mapping provides a scoring index on functional asymmetry, flexibility, lower extremity power, dynamic posture, balance, core stability, and susceptibility to injury.

At the conclusion of this screen, if a person wishes to pursue physical therapy at our clinic, we will subtract the price of the screen from the cost of the physical therapy evaluation.
