Pre- and Post-Program Analysis and Eight 45-minute Training Sessions

2x/week x 4 weeks


We will conduct a thorough evaluation of strength, flexibility, explosiveness, and movement patterns. This objective data provides the opportunity to measure client fatigue, compensatory loading and landing patterns as well as progressions or regressions over time using trend data.


Studies have proven that a greater than 10% power discrepancy between the right and left leg increases the individual's susceptibility of injury by 50%.  We are able to identify the risk and areas of concern with confidence as the kinetic chain is captured in all three planes.  We can compare the objective data as is detects asymmetries and gain insight on the compensatory biomechanics on an individual.


We can then design and implement a specific training program to facilitate the prevention of ACL injuries by improving strength discrepancies and deficiencies, increasing flexibility to decrease imbalances, and introduce supervised plyometric and agility training to improve coordination of the stabilizing muscles around the knee.
